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July update - som-isoc.org

As the country moves into election mode, and COVID19 limits our interactions, the chapter wants to remind its members and the Somali ICT sector to follow many interesting events around the world via Zoom. Here we would like to share with you the  IGFUSA2021.. hope you like this discussion, the chapter is working towards contributing to the establishment of a national IGF Soon. More on this standby.

Also there an important regional call to 27 July 2021. Please see below the new confirmed details:

Our monthly zoom meeting is as scheduled on Monday the 19th and we will special guest joining us, Victor Ndonnang, ISOC Community Engagement Manager, Africa. Hope you can join us:  Topic: Somali Chapter meeting, Time: Jul 19, 2021, 04:00 PM Mogadishu, Join Zoom Meeting