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MM & FI presentations - som-isoc.org

Here are two presentations from the founder of the Somali Internet Society Chapter, Mohamed Ibrahim who now lives in Australia. In fact, these two presentations were backup copies prepared in advance for the virtual Mobile Money & financial inclusion summit which was held last month.

We have permission to present these videos here, and Mr Ibrahim suggested that Somali ICT students, the chapter members, and others in the Somali ICT sector note that although he presented this during the Magenta Global’s 12th Mobile Money (MM) and Financial Inclusion (FI) summit 2021, he also produced them in advance as a backup in case of technical challenges. It is this idea of using backups, considering business continuity, and developing disaster recovery and contingency plans that are highlighted here.

Mr Ibrahim was in a panel during day 1 of this event and he covered among other things,these points https://prezi.com/v/kejln2_lzzn0/ and then he also presented the MM / FI summit closing remarks: https://prezi.com/v/00hhawomditp/


Your comments and feedback are welcome. If you would like the live version of Magenta Global’s 12th Mobile Money (MM) and Financial Inclusion (FI) summit 2021, please visit their channel on Youtube.