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October 2018 - som-isoc.org

Somali Week in Australia

Internet Society Somali Chapter proudly sponsors the Somali week in Australia event which will highlight collaboration between Australian Universities and the Somali community in Australia with the intention of supporting the ongoing effort to help Somalia rebuild its...

IoT awareness campaign – Video

Here is a video summarising some of the issues discussed during the IoT awareness campaign. There are booklets available for those who cannot access the online version. Please email abdirizak@isoc.so for more information and hardcopy of the booklet....

October…Somali ICT month!

October should be named Somali ICT Month… wonderful news! The ICT Exhibition and now the  Mogadishu tech summit. See https://mogadishutechsummit.com/ This is a good start, therefore, we should all encourage and congratulate those who achieved this. Of course,...

Internet connectivity and security challenges in Somalia

There are many positive ICT related initiatives taking place in Mogadishu. The ICT exhibition and Mogadishu Tech Summit etc. Even REN reported that Improved Internet access connects Somali students to each other and global knowledge (See link below). This is all good...