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December 2018 - som-isoc.org

New Technology Trends for 2019

There will not be the single trending technology in 2019 but bunch of technologies will make their presence feel in 2019. Technologies like 5G and IoT are on the cusp of leading the 4th industrial revolution. The immense volume of communication traffic and data...

Isoc Somali Chapter is back

Greeting to you all, we would like to inform you all that we are back and will continue our work as before. This is our new website…. so please update your browsers not to point to isoc.so anymore.

Community Networks… get to know it!

Community Networks… The Internet can open up a world of opportunity. With half the world’s population unconnected, it’s urgent that we shape a tomorrow that benefits everyone. The Internet Society promotes and builds a digital future that puts people first. More...