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March 2021 - som-isoc.org
Fellowship Oppurtunity

Fellowship Oppurtunity

The use of the Internet has given us the possibility and opportunity that has transformed our lives for the better. It is place where we collaborate, share ideas, and strengthen connectedness. It’s where we work, seek help, learn, communicate, and innovate. The...
MIT  TAU Series

MIT TAU Series

Attend MIT X TRUE Africa University Webinar Series. Please submit your questions or comments to: english7@mit.edu. Here is the  March 18 event on Africa’s New Technologies with Iyinoluwa Aboyeji is now available on the CIS YouTube...
MANRS Fellowship program

MANRS Fellowship program

After great success last year, MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security) Fellowship Program is now accepting applications for 2021. If you are an emerging leader eager to improve the well-being of the Internet’s global routing system, apply now. The...