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April 2023 - som-isoc.org
Community Week… join us.

Community Week… join us.

imagine the Future at Community Week! Community Week is back for another year this 3-4 May, 2023. It’s where Internet Society members everywhere will come together online to reflect on the future. We’ll take a look at the key choices facing the Internet in...
Girls for ICT Webinar

Girls for ICT Webinar

As we have informed you earlier, see here. We would like to invite you to an informative and educational webinar on the 27th of April, 2023. Here is the link. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Apr 27, 2023 09:00 AM Mogadishu.Topic: Girls 4 ICT – Mogadishu...
Encryption Matters.

Encryption Matters.

The members of the Steering Committee of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) invite you to join the strategy workshop for the Global Encryption Day 2023 campaign. The goals of this year’s Global Encryption Day on 21 October are to attract global support for...