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About - som-isoc.org

About ISOC Somali Chapter


Welcome to ISOC Somali  Chapter. I would like to encourage you all to join us to develop the Somali ICT sector. The following is a summary of the purpose of this chapter and main points of its by-laws. Your involvement and participation is welcome. Please contribute articles, your thoughts, come along to meetings and join the seminars and webinars. Nominate and consider to be elected, keeping in mind only members (2 yrs membership) and contributors  are eligible to stand for election. Your comments, feedback welcome.

ISOC Somali  Chapter is a non-profit organization operated for charitable networking and educational purposes, as well as for academic, scientific and social purposes, in particular, The main purpose of establishing the Somali Chapter of the Internet Society is:

  1. To promote the rapid propagation of Internet and its technologies in every sphere of the Somali Community and through this provide services for organizational and individual members in terms of training and support in connection to Internet Technologies.
  2. To enable and promote discussions among government, industry, academia, civil societies, and individuals concerned with the integration of Internet technologies within the country’s technological, research, educational, social and business infrastructure.
  3. To promote intelligent and responsible use of the Internet by broadening critical awareness of Internet infrastructure, technologies and regulations, with emphasis on the creative and innovative use of the Internet towards academic, educational, e-government and delivery of online service and create awareness on how these might impact on the individual and society as a whole.
  4. To represent the community in government committees and in international community that deal with the various technical, legal and social aspects of the Internet, especially to ensure representation of developing world concerns in determining the shape and future of the Internet e.g. representation, participation and raising of concerns in government and the international community.
  5. To encourage and support the advancement of innovations in Internet technologies as well as the conduct of Internet-related research especially in areas such as archiving traditional / historical materials, since Somalia lost a lot of its national historical archives.
  6. To enable like-minded individuals in Somalia build an environment to share their interests and concerns on issues such as Internet governance, Net Neutrality, censorship, capacity building, and propagate the use of Internet amongst its members and the public in Somalia.
  7. This Chapter will serve persons who live or work in Somalia and serves their interest via the local presence of the Internet Society, focusing on local issues, i.e. capacity building, innovation, development and use local language.
  8. The Somali Chapter of the Internet Society is not a political organization and will not engage in political activities.
  9. This Chapter is chartered by the Internet Society and its bylaws neither supersede nor abrogate any of the Bylaws of the Internet Society that regulate Chapter affairs. Looking forward in collaborating with you in the near future.
Mohamed Ibrahim is the Founding Chairman of ISOC Somalia,