The Apif 2022 is a hybrid event that focuses on developing internet interconnections and traffic exchange opportunities by bringing together key players – infrastructure providers, internet service providers, internet exchange points (IXPs), content producers and providers, data center providers, policy-makers, and regulators to advance the peering ecosystem in Africa.

There is a huge opportunity for Somalia in this field. Managed by National Communications Authority Somalia, the Somali IXP was established in 2018, and for those who want to know more about this, please visit Perhaps there is an opportunity for the government to consider developing the IXP or transferring to the private sector, as this reduces the cost of accessing online content among other huge economic advantages.

The economic importance of this initiative is massive and the Somali ICT sector will be encouraged to attend this event in Kigali and follow via zoom. Here is the link for those who want to register please follow the link provided below: