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Electing New Officers - som-isoc.org

Electing New Chapter Officers. See details below.

Stay tuned for an email that will be sent providing more information soon about the timeline and the online voting process.

Members of the Internet Society Chapter of Somalia are invited to nominate for the following positions as per the by-laws:

  1. a) Chair
  2. b) Vice Chair

Eligibility has been determined by the by-laws as the following: In order to vote in these elections or stand for any of the open positions, a person must:

  • Be a Member of the Chapter
  • Refer to eligibility criteria from bylaws and/or Election Committee
  • Members of the election committee cannot stand for any open position

We hope to strengthen the leadership with new officers who will continue to deliver the vision and mission of the Chapter as we move forward. Female members are highly encouraged to participate and nominate.


The ISOC Somalia Chapter is planning to hold an online election for the positions:

Chair (president) and Vice-Chair (vice-president) on the 30th of July 2022.

All members are invited to nominate themselves if they would like to run or stand for these positions. Please send your nomination by 6 pm on the 22nd of July 2022. Include in your nomination email a brief biography and your contact details to the election committee at elections@som-isoc.org.

The election committee will publish the list of validly nominated candidates when the nomination period ends and will also notify anyone whose nomination is not included with an explanation.  The members will have access to an online voting form that will be sent to them to cast their votes.  After casting their vote and submitting the form, returning officers of the election committee who are the Chapter’s vice-chair, the technical office, and an independent observer will receive it. They will manage the election process.

The outcome of the election will be published on the chapter website and sent via email to all members and others within the Internet Society community.

The Chapter by-laws (Article III) define all members of the chapter to be members of the Internet Society and are eligible for membership without discrimination. All members of the Chapter are entitled to vote.

According to the Chapter by-laws (Article VI) The officers of this Chapter shall be President/Chair, Vice-Chair, community liaison officer, technical officer, and treasurer/Secretary (combined into one position).

The officers shall be elected at the annual Election (or Business) meeting. They shall take office immediately upon election and serve until their successor is elected.

More about the chapter by-laws, please refer som-isoc.org or email mwairah@som-isoc.org