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Encryption Matters. - som-isoc.org

The members of the Steering Committee of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) invite you to join the strategy workshop for the Global Encryption Day 2023 campaign. The goals of this year’s Global Encryption Day on 21 October are to attract global support for end-to-end encryption and stop specific legislative proposals undermining encryption in key countries where it is under threat: EU, United Kingdom, Canada, India, and the United States. This workshop will convene GEC members, focussing on global policies and advocacy goals.

Part 1 will set out a direction for the advocacy targets, how we prioritize our policy asks, and which intervention points are important to the campaign.

Part 2 will align the overall communications strategy for the campaign, including ideation of campaign tactics for Global Encryption Day and beyond, and a conversation on the internal structure of communications resources and responsibilities The workshop will take place via Zoom on the following dates (please choose one option according to your preferable availability):

Tuesday 25th April, 3pm – 6pm BST (UTC +1)Wednesday 26th April, 10:30am – 1:30pm BST (UTC +1) We would be delighted to have you attend one of the sessions. A pre-read document will be shared in advance. Will you be available to join us? Please register here to confirm your attendance as soon as possible:Tuesday 25th: click hereWednesday 26th: click here