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Global Encryption Day - 21 October - som-isoc.org
Global Encryption Day 2022 will take place on 21 October 2022.

This annual Day of Action, Global Encryption Day is very important for all who care about promoting and protecting our information and communication more private and secure. It is an opportunity to demonstrate why strong encryption matters. Encryption underpins trust online, protects members of vulnerable communities, and safeguards the data of governments, businesses, and citizens from criminals and hostile governments. But encryption is under increasing threat all around the world.

It is up to all of us to promote and defend strong encryption. 

Global Encryption Day 2021 helped us tell governments around the world that protecting and strengthening encryption is crucial to making the Internet safer for everyone. We made a positive impact, but we need your help to continue fighting for strong encryption. So make sure you’re a part of the next Global Encryption Day on 21 October 2022 – save the date! And sign up to our mailing list to get news and updates on how you can help us promote and defend strong encryption.