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ICT update - som-isoc.org

Ramadan Karim. This update is for our members and all those in the Somali ICT sector. Please watch this video and let us (Somalis) learn from our neighbouring countries. Our chapter founder, Mohamed Ibrahim in Jan 2019 presented a paper on Blockchain (https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/dlt/Documents/20190114-workshop-agenda.pdf… see this clip if interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp1v6k6m58k), unfortunately, those ideas were not taken up in our country. Also last week he presented a paper on Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion, we will upload his presentation soon, standby.

Also AbdiSalam (Dubai based business man) in 2019 presented a paper about education passport for Somali students,  an idea similar to what Cardano is now implementing in Ethiopia (see clip below). And the year before Swinburne University hosted the Somali week and although the then head of Somalia’s Digital ID Program, Dr. Nur Dirie Hersi Fursade was expected to attend this event, he was unable to join the conference. Dr Paul Scifleet and Dr Jason Sargent of Swinburne University’s Information Systems for Social Impact Research Group (https://www.swinburne.edu.au/business-law/about-us/swinburne-business-school/business-technology-entrepreneurship/research/information-systems-social-impact/) are supportive of the Somali ICT ideas and continue to help the Chapter get them implemented.

It seems we are trying these ideas very slowly and we need to engage and collaborate with others to get them implemented. See also https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/distributed-ledger-technology-dlt-roadmap-mohamed-ibrahim/