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IoT awareness project - som-isoc.org

he Somali Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-SO) will soon conduct workshops and distribute a booklet on IoT – its advantages and more importantly its inherent security problems. The objective here is to raise awareness among ICT hardware users and traders who import IoT enables equipment. In normal circumstances, government monitors what equipment comes to a country and authorise or give approval for its impotation. In Somalia, we seem to lack that capacity as we are s recovering State with limited resources in governance as well as in technical capacity. Hence, Isoc.so taking this initiative.

We would also like to encourage you to take advantage of online e-learning content that is available on the internet. Please visit https://www.elearning-africa.com/  and soon http://som-tech.net/ which has replaced http://somtech.edu.so/ which used to be free educational resources for all Somalis… but now have been shut down by the new .so ccTLD management team.