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The learning passport... coming soon! - som-isoc.org

Transforming Societies through Education….  finally, the chapter has found the exact expression on earlier initiatives to deliver online education. We are exploring ways to introduce the Learning Passport platform.  We would like to invite educational institution to collaborate with on this project. This has been implemented in Puntland and we would like to find ways to implement this in the rest of the country. We have written to learning passport tean and hope to hear from them soon. Stay tuned.  More on this platform see below:

The Learning Passport is an Online, Mobile, and Offline Platform that enables continuous access to quality education. It is highly flexible and adaptable, allowing countries to easily and quickly adopt the Learning Passport as its national learning management system or use it to complement existing digital learning platforms.

The Learning Passport, powered by Microsoft, has been developed with a unique suite of online and offline functionalities and abilities. The platform will prioritize deployment in places with intermittent or no internet connectivity – often locations that children find themselves unable to access quality digital education tools and content

The platform serves local, contextualized content as well as global supplementary resources to support learners and improve learning outcomes. We are currently collating a library of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and content donations by leading private companies to offer a variety of supplementary content for localisation and use by implementing offices.