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MANRS Fellowship program - som-isoc.org

After great success last year, MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security) Fellowship Program is now accepting applications for 2021. If you are an emerging leader eager to improve the well-being of the Internet’s global routing system, apply now. The program gives highly motivated individuals the chance to work alongside MANRS ambassadors, who are industry leaders participating in the Ambassador Program. Together, they will train diverse communities on good routing practices, analyze routing incidents, research into ways to secure routing and survey the global policy landscape.

You can apply for a fellowship in three different areas: training, research, and policy. Each fellow will receive a monthly stipend for up to 8 months. There is no age requirement and you can apply for more than one category but will only be selected for one of them. Applications close on 19th March 2021.

For more information and to apply, visit the program website: https://www.manrs.org/ambassadors-program/fellows/