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Membership - som-isoc.org



Become a Member

The Internet Somali Chapter has gone through a major change over the last 18 months. A new management team was appointed by the members and we were slowly but surely working on rejuvenating and energizing the Chapter. We deliberately made the decision to make the Chapter rely on its limited resources and increase the membership. The new strategy we are following is to change the old policy of keeping a low profile due to the security situation and other realities on the ground. As the security and stability of the country has improved, we decided to increase our campaign to engage the community at large, giving more emphasis to the young generation and students. There is a deliberate initiative to encourage female students and women in general to become active members of the Chapter. If you want to become a member, please click on the following link and select Somalia as the Chapter you want to join,  get in touch.

ISOC.so @ Your University

ISOC-SO would like to welcome you all. Part of this chapter’s plan is to engage students and encourage them to become part of the isoc-somalia community. There were workshop and seminars at the universities during the year. The first university that forms ISOC-Somalia @ university club will receive 100 educational CDs!  There is also another competition for the university with the highest number of students registered as members the ISOC-Somalia chapter. If you have suggestion, ideas regarding what seminars, workshops you like to have at you university in 2016, please get in touch.