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One Web Day.... - som-isoc.org

One Web Day, was held today on September 22.  This  global event is aimed at giving all participants in this unprecedented turn in human evolution that is the Internet a chance not only to celebrate it, but also to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining the open-networking principles that have made it the success it is, and promote expanding its access to everyone, everywhere.

In 2018, One Web Day joined the Global People’s Summit in their effort to involve that same everyone, everywhere in a place can collaborate, share best practices, foster innovation, build community, celebrate success, influence global agendas, and find new ways to translate their vision into action -together online, with the ultimate goal of supporting and informing the effort to achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

In case you missed the live sessions please visit the Global People’s Summit Website to access the content of the valuable discussion.