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Protect your privacy Now! - som-isoc.org

Important message

As the founder of the chapter recently wrote here… https://tinyurl.com/4hdta8ah, It is important that you know how to protect your mobile phone from cybercriminals. See the message below:

Tomorrow, the 11th of May 2023 at 02:00 pm GMT, Vianney Forewah will share 10 tips on how to protect your phone from cyber criminals. And if you are wondering who is this person, let me introduce the Online Safety speaker.

Vianney Forewah is a Cyber Security expert, Internet Censorship Researcher, Fact-Checker, and Digital Rights activist with a high interest in Advocacy on the Open Internet and the responsible use of the online space. Vianney has a passion for Human Rights Reporting particularly in the domain of Digital Rights. He is a member of the Digital Rights Coalition in Cameroon and the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) Cameroon.

Now you can book your free seat through this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsd-6srjIsEtQN_puQfnDoiGSlTkaiDm6X

The session will be available in English and in French.