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Resources & Publications - som-isoc.org

Resources & Publications


The Safer Internet Day (SID)

The Somali Chapter of the Internet Society in collaboration with the National ICT and Digital Economy Office are planning to get involved in the the Safer Internet Day which will be held in February each year.  This is consistent with the objectives of the Chapter which promotes more responsible use of online technologies and all Internet facilities in Somalia, especially among children and young people. Although the campaign originally started in Europe back in 2004, it has grown year on year since that time, celebrated in more than 140 countries. The 2018 edition of SID took place on  Tuesday, 6 February 2018 with the theme ‘Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you”. The 2019 edition will take place on 5 February 2019. And we are committed to participate. We would like to invite you to participate in this initiative. If you want express your interest or want to join us and become a member of the Somali SID committee, please email mi@isoc.so for more information.

Want to develop your action towards understanding Human Rights?

Stanford University are offering students to increase their learning capacity about citizenships. In this day and age democracy is needed for a better world and the outcome  prepares people become people. All Somalia students should take the opportunity to showcase their knowledge in an important to help our people. For more info, please visit


Interested in Online Business Course?

Africa Platform Management, Strategy & Innovation is a first-of-a-kind, 5-week online course designed for managers, executives, and entrepreneurs who are seeking to improve their knowledge and skills in a rapidly changing business environment where new leadership skills are needed. For more info, please visit:  https://novoed.com/global-scholars-micro-course-spring-2016

Capacity Building – Upskill yourself

Interested to learn about Principles of Internet Governance, Children and Mobile Technology, Principles of Mobile Privacy, and much more….GSMA Capacity Building eLearning Portal offers online courses- Register now at gsmatraining.com

Bi-monthly newsletter

January 28th 2016 – Somalia Internet Society Chapter members will elect the new leaders to manage the chapter over the net 2 years as per the constitution of the Chapter. The upcoming January newsletter will provide more information on the outcome of these elections.

 ICT Update

Internet of things (IoT) or should this be Internet of Everything (IoET) is the new buzz word(s) in the Somali ICT Sector. ISOC-SO will contribute, inform and educate the Somali people about this new paradigm. It is part of the ISOC-SO education campaign to develop the ICT literacy within our country.

Online Resources

Following are links to online resources that can help members gain knowledge on Internet technologies:

Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin

Bitcoin Magazine are offering publications to their magazine that talk about the key issues of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency and how it impacts the financial world of technology.