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Girls in ICT 2023 Competition - som-isoc.org

This Year the Somali Chapter of the Internet Society would like to remind all Somalis to encourage our girls and young women to thrive in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The education sector must provide a positive environment for them to support in acquiring skills to become both ICT users and creators in the digital world.

The first Somali Girls in ICT was held on 27th April 2011 in a Mogadishu hotel attended by university students. It has come a long way since that time, with government departments and the private sector getting involved. We hope this will continue and get enhanced every year as we introduce new possibilities and initiatives.

We will try to work with other organizations like the ITU which having consulted the youth, identified “Digital Skills for Life” as their theme for Girls in ICT 2023.  Like we have done all the previous year we are planning to have a webinar to enable different groups to join us. More on this soon.  We are also working on an essay competition for students

The Girls in ICT 2023 competition this year is open to all Somali students. The following are the details of the competition.

Write a 3000 words paper on one of the following topics:

  1. The benefits of Internet Exchange Point to the Somali Economy.
  2. Impact of Social Media on Somali Youth
  3. Pathways  to achieve internet access for All in Somalia 

Originality, quality of writing, and solutions suggested are the main criteria used to assess the papers. You may use any academic style of writing, referencing, etc. The due date is the 27th of  April. For more information please contact Jamila.hassan@jazeerauniversity.edu.so.  Send your paper to info@som-isoc.org.

Here is the ITU Girls in ICT Day 2023 video message from the ITU’s  BDT Director, Dr. Cosmas Zavazava. Enjoy it.

In 2023, International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated on 27 April.