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Girls in ICT 2022 - som-isoc.org

We hope to see many Somali girls in the ICT sector participate in the  International Girls in ICT day 2022. This year, it will be celebrated on 28 April. There are many activities taking place around the world, and we would like to encourage you all to follow these events as well as participate the one we are planning in Somalia.

For girls and young women to thrive in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers, they need safe and reliable access to the internet and digital tools. That’s why, in consultation with youth, the ITU identified “Access and Safety” as the theme for Girls in ICT 2022.

This year and every year, ITU and our partners work together to develop solutions and ideas for lowering barriers to access and improving safety online for girls and young women.  For more about the Girls in ICT day 2022, please watch this video Video Message from the ITU BDT Director

The Goals are to:  Encourage girls and young women to pursue STEM education,  Inspire girls and young women to work in STEM careers, Engage the community and promote collaboration through partnerships.

Hope you will join us.