Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:30311 Library:30402 in /home/sisoc/public_html/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php on line 1775
May 2021 - som-isoc.org
PHP introduction in Somali language

PHP introduction in Somali language

Waxa aynu ku baran doono casharadan soo socda: waa Asaaska salka ee PHP Programming, Sida loo install gareeyo PHP7, Apache and MySql Fahamka PHP variable, loops, conditional iyo functions. Waxaan kaloo baraneynaa Sida loo process gareeyo foomamka bogaga internetka...
Internet use versus mobile money in Somalia

Internet use versus mobile money in Somalia

The use of the internet has made possible for Somalia to move towards being truly cashless economy. in 2018 A World Bank has reported approximately 155 mobile money million transactions, worth of $2.7 billion were recorded in Somalia per month. Needless to say that...
The learning passport… coming soon!

The learning passport… coming soon!

Transforming Societies through Education….  finally, the chapter has found the exact expression on earlier initiatives to deliver online education. We are exploring ways to introduce the Learning Passport platform.  We would like to invite educational...