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How to govern social media platforms? - som-isoc.org

The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, as part of its Global Digital Governance series, presents a webinar ‘Social Media and International Governance: The UNESCO Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms‘.

The many issues raised by social media platforms have stimulated calls for new governance mechanisms. Some platforms have responded by establishing self-governance systems like oversight boards, and some governments and regional bodies like the European Union have responded with laws and regulations, in particular for the largest platforms. At the multilateral level, several initiatives are underway, in particular the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) effort to develop Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms. The Guidelines are intended to promote regulations that both support freedom of expression and deal with content that is illegal and risks harm to democracy and human rights. This webinar assembles a panel of leading expert participants in the UNESCO debate and related discussions.

If you are interested to know more, watch this group who will assess driving issues and interests, negotiation dynamics, potential outcomes, and larger digital governance:
