by Mohamed Wairah | Jun 11, 2023 | education, NEWS, Uncategorized
The responses from the survey that we launched, see Chapter Activities… have your say. –, confirms the need for digital education and education in general. Based on that feedback, we have decided to focus on activities related to digital...
by Mohamed Wairah | Jun 9, 2023 | education, NEWS, Uncategorized
The note from our Chapter president ( has generated a lot of responses and a summary of the emails we have received shows an interest in community networks, encryption, digital literacy, and informing the...
by Mohamed Wairah | Jun 6, 2023 | education, NEWS, Uncategorized
Download In our last meeting, we discussed what activities the Chapter should focus on and I would like to share the outcome of that discussion with you and also to allow you (those who did not attend the meeting) to have a say. It seems there is a great deal of...
by Mohamed Wairah | May 10, 2023 | education, NEWS, Uncategorized
Important message As the founder of the chapter recently wrote here…, It is important that you know how to protect your mobile phone from cybercriminals. See the message below: Tomorrow, the 11th of May 2023 at 02:00 pm...
by Mohamed Wairah | Apr 30, 2023 | education, NEWS, Uncategorized
The Somali chapter of the Internet Society is looking for new leadership members to contribute to the development of the chapter. Stand by for more information on the process and procedures to get involved and get elected. In the meantime, please read more about the...
by Mohamed Wairah | Apr 28, 2023 | education, NEWS, Uncategorized
imagine the Future at Community Week! Community Week is back for another year this 3-4 May, 2023. It’s where Internet Society members everywhere will come together online to reflect on the future. We’ll take a look at the key choices facing the Internet in...